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60 is the new 70


I hope you are well and have escaped the dreaded flu so far this Winter. At least we are heading into September and the end is in sight.

We have seen many of you in the past few months and it"s great to see how busy everyone is. Many of you have taken the opportunity to escape the cold and head overseas or up north and thaw out. 

Family has been a big theme lately. Many of you are really looking to see how you can help each other and the kids/grandkids and it"s great to see how you are making such a positive impact. 

Being busy is great, but we all must remember to manage the stress levels associated with a hectic life. We have included an article with a few helpful tips and tricks to help manage the stresses of daily life and not let things get on top of us.

There is much talk in the media about an ageing population but the reality is that its more and more often a case of '70 is the new 60'.

We've attached an article about the changing atitudes of retirees and their approach to retirement. As we see all the time, retirees are an active bunch, far from the stereotype portrayed.

Aside from that we have have included an Economic update from Bob Cuneen and a current Market update.


I look forward to seeing you soon.


