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Market update, handling volatility and sharemarket tips

Welcome to spring! It's a lovely time of year in Melbourne, the blossoms are out and the days are getting warmer.

In this months newsletter we have included the latest market update and  an article about the most common trap for share investors, along with an article about handling volatility.

Concentrating too much on the daily movements in share prices can give investors a misleading impression of their investment performance and encourage some to overreact to short-term market shifts. In turn, this can lead to following the, often emotionally-driven, investment herd in and out of the market – often at the wrong times. 

On another note, there has been a lot of media coverage of recent political events and of course, the Royal Commission. Whilst we are keeping an active watching brief on the developments, we are confident that our processes, practices and investment philosophy are sound and sustainable.

We will update you with any outcomes that may affect our strategy.

We hope you enjoy this months newsletter and If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


