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Financial year in review, market update and downsizer contributions

In this months newsletter we have provided a summary of the financial year in review along with an interview with Bob Cunneen discussing the key events that have been driving markets.

We also take a look at the downsizer contributions which can be a real benefit and boost to those over 65.

From 1 July 2018 the downsizer super contribution will allow eligible Australians over the age of 65 to direct some of the proceeds from the sale of a long-held home into their super. The maximum amount you can contribute is $300,000 per person, so a couple could contribute up to $600,000.

This strategy could essentially turn you family home into a more comfortable retirement.

We also take a look at the side effects of smartphones, what it takes to digitally detox, and tips and tricks to distance yourself from distracting notifications. An article that might be worth sharing with some of the younger generation.

We hope you find these articles of interest and if you have any questions or feedback please let us know.
