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Behavioural finance, Bitcoin, December markets and Island escapes.

In our last newsletter for the year we have included some food for thought about the Bitcoin phenomenon. It reminds me a bit of the tech bubble nearly 20 years ago and is something that I would say should not form part of your core portfolio. Many virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin have emerged over the last 10 years but just how safe are they? We explain how virtual currencies work and the risks you take buying, trading or investing in  them.

This links nicely to the Behavioural finance article and how we make economic, financial and investment decisions.

In the market update we point out that the global economy continues to generate synchronised growth and markets are expecting these conditions to continue into 2018.

With Christmas just around the corner we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe festive season with family and friends and we look forward to catching up with you in the New Year.

If you are seeking an island escape, we included some local Australian options.

Best Wishes and Happy holidays.

